Tuesday, June 29, 2010

...the little things!

This weekend I was reminded of the finer things in life. I realized that these finer things are the little things that we, all too quickly, take for granted! This past weekend was one of the best weekends I have spent in a long time. Not because I went on some elaborate trip, not because I spent super large quantities of money, but because I got to simply enjoy the little joys of life. Some of these little joys I experienced this weekend were:
*Driving in my car ALONE and singing out loud to the radio with no one to hear
*Starting out to make cookies and ending up eating the entire bowl of batter
*$20 business professional shirts at Banana
*Laughing with best friends about "old times"
*Bubble baths with Disney Princess "Dream Boquet"
*Comfy blankets and pillows
*Freshly brewed coffee
*Waking up to chocolate chip pancakes and bacon
*Finishing an entire bottle of wine with my bestie
*Using REAL creamer in my coffee, not 2% milk
*Wearing goofy glasses when seeing movies in 3D
*Driving and looking at dream homes I could never afford to live in
*40% off sales at Loft
*Dinner with the man of my dreams
*Church services that focus on the mission of Christ and making His name known
*Amazing Grace!

Again, this weekend was so MUCH NEEDED and rejuvenated my heart, mind, and soul for this week! God continues to remind me while I'm here that I take too much advantage of all the wonderful blessings I am given on a daily basis. I praise Him for a restful weekend that has given me the strength to entire this week with rejuventaion and passion.

Continue to pray for strength and encouragement please because today was nothing short of awful! However, it is making me stronger as an education and as a person! He will never give me anything I cannot handle! He will complete the promise He has set out before me! Genesis 28:15

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful reminder! I'm loving reading about your adventures - miss you!! :)
